Walking on Water

I’ve never walked on water, but I have floated on top of it in the Dead Sea, a body of water whose mineral concentration is so high  that it is almost impossible to submerge!  Did you know that seawater is is 220 times saltier than normal fresh water? And the...

Moses: Exodus Thru the Water

Both the Old and New Testaments abound with tales and parables that involve water.  Whether you view these Bible stories as factual history or as archetypal mythology, it is interesting to contemplate the primal forces at work and water is certainly one of them. ...

Black is the New Green

When we think of environmentalism, we think of the term “Green”, because that is the color of living plants, trees and grass.  All living things need water to survive, and all living things do better  when that water is clean.  Do you know that every drop...

Multipure is Going to the Dogs (and cats)

You have probably seen the banner at the very top of this page.  That picture is Kali, my daughter Theresa’s dog, poking her head up next two some glasses of fresh Multipure water.  Kali doesn’t drink out of glasses, but she does get Multipure water in her...

Are You Drinking For Two?

     At one point in 2012, my daughter Theresa and daughter-in-law Paige were both pregnant and I am happy to report that they both gave birth to healthy babies.  But watching them grow, and grow, and grow, it became quickly apparent to me that pregnancy is a very...