I am a lucky guy. In addition to having a wife and career I love, I have three adult children to be proud of. And as I watch them develop their life-work I see how the people they have become reflects back on the work I do (Multipure). I like to use the term “ecopreneur” to describe what I do. For me, “ecopreneur” is made up of three skill sets. I realized that each of my children embodies one of them! Teacher + salesman + social worker = ecopreneur.
Today after her regular school hours, I was visiting with my 32 year old daughter Theresa in her Wellesley High School classroom. I was helping her transport some turtle paraphenalia home from her Freshman Earth Science classroom. She is also the leader of the school’s “Green Team” that encourages environmental awareness and actually introduced plans for solar & geothermal energy generation, gray water, rooftop gardening and recycling that was incorporated into the design of that brand new building. I watched her wise interactions with some of the students and saw how she was able to teach, lead and communicate so well. I realized that teaching is one aspect of being a successful ecopreneur.
My son Jesse, age 35 is a sales manager in a technology firm based in Manhattan. He has held a number of sales positions in various companies like that for the past decade +. I have watched him take on new challenges, learn about new technologies, develop successful business relationships, take risks, navigate job changes and lead by example. His success is based on his dedication to clients, colleagues and supervisors. I saw him develop the attribute of loyalty back when he played high school and college lacrosse and I see him ride the loyalty horse to high achievement in his professional career. People know they can count on him.
I realized that sincere salesmanship is one aspect of being a successful ecopreneur.
Elizabeth, my 28 year old daughter, is coming into her own as a caring and respected clinical social worker. She works with both children and adults at a community mental health center. She loves what she does and I have no doubt that she will be great at it. She chose this place for her work because of the diversity of work it affords her and the great reputation the place has for excellent supervision. All day, every day, she uses her listening skills and pragmatic approach to help people function better in their lives. Always helping. I realized that a social work mindset is one aspect of being a successful ecopreneur.
It goes without saying that a parent teaches their children. Sometimes, if you are open to it, you can recognize and appreciate the things your children can teach you.